Guest Minister - Rev. Gabriele Parks 08.18.2024


Are rituals only seemingly senseless acts, or are they an important way to give our life more meaning? What exactly is a ritual? Are rituals the same as Traditions? Can traditions be rituals? What’s  the difference between rituals and habits, or between habits and traditions? Or is this only wordsmithing?Don’t expect to get definitive or even definite answers to these questions; but you will hear Reverend Gabi’s educated opinion on the topic … Come prepared to participate!”

The Reverend Dr. Gabriele Parks came to the United States from Germany in 1991, with her husband Roger and her then six-year-old twins. She felt the call to UU ministry and went to Lancaster Theological Seminary in 2001 where she received her Master of Divinity degree. Since then, she has served five congregations as an intentional interim minister; now called transition minister. In 2015, she went back to seminary where she graduated with the Doctor of Ministry in the field of Narrative Theology. She served her congregation in York, Pennsylvania, until her retirement in February of 2019.

Board Welcomer: Deirdre Gordon
Worship Associate: Chris Cavalieri
Music: Chamber Choir

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