Guest Speaker - Rev. Libby Smith 07.14.2024

Guest Speaker - Rev. Libby Smith 07.14.2024

Rev. Libby Smith was ordained in 1992 and has served as both a parish minister and a chaplain. Now that she's retired from congregational work, she sees her work as a part-time, patchwork ministry of trying to say yes, made up mostly of guest preaching and rites of passage, and enjoys having more time for her husband, her garden, and her cat.
She is delighted to return to MLUC.

This Week's Sunday Service

The Hospitality of Listening
Henri Nouwen, the 20th-century Dutch theologian, writer, and priest, described listening as spiritual hospitality—a way of welcoming people into our very beings. Drawing on his
wisdom, we will explore the art of listening as a form of hospitality that allows others
to feel known, valued, and accepted.

Board Member: Nancy McDowell
Worship Associate: Tracy Simpson
Music: The Zink Family Singers

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