Guest Speaker Dr. Om Prakash - 06.30.2024

Sermon Title
Free and Open Search in an Age of Reason

Music: Chamber Choir
Board Welcomers: Barbara Colton
Worship Associate: Steve Whitt

Dr. Om Prakash (John Gilmore) is a writer, Certified Life-Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist and Teacher.  He is a graduate of Meadeville Lombard Divinity School.  He later received his D. Min. at University of Creation Spirituality in Work and Spirituality and did Postdoctoral Work at Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica studying spirituality and identity.  His focus for the last 20 years has been the practical application of alternative therapies and healing modalities to empower and to remove the negative effects of oppression, suppression, and depression.
He was a UU Parish Minister, Community Minister and served on many national UUA boards.  He spoke monthly during pre covid yeard, as a Dharma teacher at Won Buddhist Institute in Abington PA. He is presently working at Massage Envy in Jenkintown PA part time. 
serving on the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans national board in the position of Right Relations, and as a Restorative Practice Goo Officer on the UUMA Restorative Practices Committee.

The Search For Truth and Meaning
How do we make sense out of the signs of the time?  What is a spiteful spiritual search.  We have voices about spirituality coming from many places, but cam we really find anything if we don't pay attention to our own stories and our own hearts?

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