Reserve Church Space

Before you begin, please take a moment to ensure that your information in the fields below is as complete as possible.
  • If you need a specific room, please check the calendar to ensure that it is available on the date of your choice.
  • Make your setup instructions as complete as possible and be realistic about how much time may be needed for setup and breakdown; these may limit room availability for others.
  • If you request the digital projector, let us know if you also need a laptop computer, we do not automatically include the computer. If your requirements are the least bit "complex," please arrange to meet in advance with our facilities staff to ensure that we know what you would like to have.

You have reached the end of the form.
Click submit below and someone from the office will get in touch with you.
For any further queries please feel to contact us at or 610-688-8332 ext 110
Thank you.