Guest Speaker - Rev. Dave Hunter 08.11.2024

Rev. Dave Hunter is a retired UU minister (and a retired civil rights lawyer who served at the Department of Justice in the Civil Rights Division’s Voting Section for 25 years), who was ordained in 2003 and served (mostly with his wife, Rev. Kerry Mueller) congregations in Maryland, New Jersey, Arkansas, and Pennsylvania.  Dave is a graduate of Princeton University, Harvard Law School, and Wesley Theological Seminary.  He last preached for us in July 2023, and last fall and winter he led discussion groups on the topic “Death: And Beyond.”   Dave and Kerry were married at MLUC in 1980 and are members of this congregation.

This week Sunday's Service

The Combination Spaghetti Pot and Clam Steamer

Board Welcomer: Carol Hillman
Worship Associate: Tina Adams
Music: David Brown,  Piano

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