Holidays and Special Services

Throughout the year we celebrate many holidays and other special days, and often acknowledge others in the course of worship.

Flower Communion
Each participant is invited to bring a flower as a symbol of their own uniqueness and beauty as a human being, to contribute to a vibrant floral display, showing how each of us contributes to making a community of solidarity and beauty. A multigenerational service held each spring.

Water Communion
Bring water from a place or time that is deeply meaningful to you to be mingled in our common bowl in this multigenerational service each fall.

Thanksgiving Bread Communion
Celebrates gratitude, community, and the gifts of the earth in a multigenerational service each fall.

We celebrate the deep roots of our faith in Christianity, and the rising life of spring in a multigenerational service, usually followed by an egg-hunt for children.

Winter Solstice Celebration
A multigenerational service recognizing the shortest day and the longest night of the year!

We celebrate with two services on Christmas Eve, an afternoon service which is a “no rehearsal” Nativity Service where everyone is invited to participate, and a more traditional evening service with readings, carols, candles, and the Advent Wreath.

Youth Service
Our senior high youth group is offered the pulpit once each year for a service on a topic of their choice.

Music Sunday
One Sunday each year the service is turned over to our music director featuring the choir, with orchestral accompaniment, in a large-scale work.