Main Line Unitarian Classifieds

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Housing Services & Needs

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Free NordicTrack Ski Machine
NordicTrack Pro Ski Machine—a great low-impact way to stay fit.

Free to first who responds.

Help Wanted or Offered

Ride Share Needed
A member who lives out in Chester Springs is in need of a ride to church on Sundays. If you live out that way and can assist, please contact me directly.
–Congregational Life Coordinator Yvette McDonnell
Spend a week and a half in beautiful Chesterbrook and get paid!
Looking to hire a live in pet sitter for a week and a half at the beginning of March. Responsibilities include the cuddling and feeding and outing of Sophie, a mostly blind, chihuahua mix. (Photo below.) Sophie is cautious, always happy to eat, affectionate, finds her away around even without sight. She's pretty low maintenance. The only time she barks is when she smells a dog on our walks.
Applicants need to love dogs and have experience living with them. And of course, would need to "click" with Sophie.
You'd be living in a comfortable two bedroom first floor flat. Five minutes walk to the woods or to the Chesterbrook shopping center.
Other details available when you respond.
$50 a day. Call 610-240-9591.