Stories That Sustain Us: A New Year's Reflection

Happy New Year!
As we enter a new year full of expectations and anxiety, I want to hold up the power of stories in our lives. Our story, either collectively or personally, can be a touchstone in times of uncertainty.
As you contemplate your goals for the new year, recall how you achieved your successful goals in the past. And if you didn't meet them, and you find yourself resolving to reach the same goals again, perhaps it's time to change them. One of my resolutions is to lose weight. But since that is my same goal each year, this year I am changing the goal to be healthier because when I was healthier, I was happier and I weighed less.
And if your goal is to deal with worry in the coming year, please remember that none of us goes through life alone. Chances are most of our friends are also feeling anxious. Here it helps if we remember that as people, we have always managed to overcome our worries. When we rely on one another and participate in our beloved community, our collective story will carry us onward.
Our spiritual theme for January is "Story," and so we will explore the power of story to deepen our lives in worship, learning and small groups. What's your story?
As my colleague Rev. Scott Tayler reminds us:
We gather as a house of stories.
As we learn of those who have gone before,
the way in front of us becomes clearer.
As we weave together our individual tales into a common story,
our loneliness lessens and the ever-present web of our oneness is revealed.
As we listen deeply to each other’s difficult stories with tenderness and trust,
we descend into the longings and learnings, hopes and fears,
of the humanity we share.
Beneath the wells from which we drink,
there is a deeper well that feeds them all.
Come, let us tell each other tales of our thirst.
Let us drink from the stories that sustain us all.
Here is to a new year, and a new story.
Go Shining,
As we enter a new year full of expectations and anxiety, I want to hold up the power of stories in our lives. Our story, either collectively or personally, can be a touchstone in times of uncertainty.
As you contemplate your goals for the new year, recall how you achieved your successful goals in the past. And if you didn't meet them, and you find yourself resolving to reach the same goals again, perhaps it's time to change them. One of my resolutions is to lose weight. But since that is my same goal each year, this year I am changing the goal to be healthier because when I was healthier, I was happier and I weighed less.
And if your goal is to deal with worry in the coming year, please remember that none of us goes through life alone. Chances are most of our friends are also feeling anxious. Here it helps if we remember that as people, we have always managed to overcome our worries. When we rely on one another and participate in our beloved community, our collective story will carry us onward.
Our spiritual theme for January is "Story," and so we will explore the power of story to deepen our lives in worship, learning and small groups. What's your story?
As my colleague Rev. Scott Tayler reminds us:
We gather as a house of stories.
As we learn of those who have gone before,
the way in front of us becomes clearer.
As we weave together our individual tales into a common story,
our loneliness lessens and the ever-present web of our oneness is revealed.
As we listen deeply to each other’s difficult stories with tenderness and trust,
we descend into the longings and learnings, hopes and fears,
of the humanity we share.
Beneath the wells from which we drink,
there is a deeper well that feeds them all.
Come, let us tell each other tales of our thirst.
Let us drink from the stories that sustain us all.
Here is to a new year, and a new story.
Go Shining,