Senior Minister Search Committee


When the Church is in need of a settled senior minister, the Nominating Committee (NomCom) is responsible for nominating seven to eight church members to serve on the Senior Minister Search Committee. Once selected by the congregation, this special committee will work together over the course of about 14 months to bring forward a senior minister candidate for consideration by the congregation whose vote can “call” the candidate to serve the Church.


The Senior Minister Search Committee is composed of skilled members from the congregation who have demonstrated exceptional leadership. The task of the NomCom is to compile a list of individuals trusted by and broadly representative of the congregation to carry out the work of serving on the Search Committee. Initially NomCom will gather names through a Call for Recommendations from the congregation. Then NomCom will follow through with interviews and reviews of references of individuals named. Finally, a slate of seven or eight names will be posted for 30 days with photos and bios for the required endorsement by 20 members per nominee. The endorsed slate of nominees can be adopted by the congregation as the official Senior Minister Search Committee through a vote at a special congregational meeting.

NomCom’s goal is to select a slate of nominees for the Senior Minister Search Committee who are committed to honoring the congregation’s trust through a process that selects a ministerial candidate who best can carry out the mission, purpose, and policies of the Church.

Attributes:  NomCom seeks Senior Minister Search Committee members who are:
  1. Available and committed to participating actively during the 14-month process of identifying a new senior minister for MLUC
  2. Dedicated to working collaboratively as team members during the entire process
  3. Experienced with leadership skills and significant participation at MLUC
  4. Capable of representing MLUC favorably and faithfully to the ministerial candidates with whom they speak.

In addition to these attributes, Search Committee members as a team require a variety of skills in order to accomplish several important tasks, including:

  • Lead – guide and support the committee while following the vision of the Search Committee. The leader convenes meetings and is the primary communicator with the Board and the UUA Transitions Office.
  • Design a Survey – design a survey instrument or other methodology to comprehensively and accurately determine the attributes every member of the MLUC congregation seeks in a new minister.
  • Analyze – use data analysis skills to analyze the results of the survey and identify similarities and differences in what various groups at MLUC seek in a new minister.
  • Create Informational Packets – apply skills and vision to create a packet of information for ministerial candidates that presents a faithful, welcoming impression of MLUC, its culture, people, vision, and aspirations for its next senior minister.
  • Interview Referrals – conduct reference calls, by phone or Zoom, to obtain information about each candidate; record and communicate these findings within the committee.
  • Coordinate Candidate Visits – arrange preaching dates in area churches for pre-candidates and arrange and manage all-inclusive hospitality during the visits. Close attention to details surrounding the visit can influence a positive first impression of the MLUC congregation for a ministerial candidate.
  • Record and Communicate – regularly record minutes of committee meetings and generate reports to keep the congregation and all pre-candidates informed about the committee’s progress.
  • Manage Finances – create a budget, record and track expenses, and manage reimbursements. Report to the Finance Committee of the Church.