Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is composed of six members of the congregation who are elected to the committee plus one Board-appointed liaison member. The committee identifies lay leaders to be considered for roles on the Board of Trustees, the Nominating Committee itself, the Moderator, and search committees for settled ministers. Church members are encouraged to recommend themselves or other members for these leadership positions.


The Nominating Committee is a committee of Main Line Unitarian Church that is mandated in its bylaws. With input from the church membership and staff, the Nominating Committee identifies lay leaders to be considered for nomination for the following:
•   Three Board of Trustees annually (three-year appointment)
•   Two Nominating Committee members annually  (three-year appointment)
•   One Moderator every three years (three-year appointment)
•   Ministerial Search Committee (one-year appointment, as needed)


With a list of potential candidates, the Nominating Committee recruits individuals qualified and willing to be nominated for the various MLUC leadership positions. The slate of candidates identified by the Nominating Committee is made public in advance of the Annual Congregational Meeting (petitions for each candidate must be posted and signed), and the slate is put up for a vote at the Annual Meeting.
Major attributes we seek in a Nominating Committee member:
1. Available to attend committee meeting once a month.
2. Personable and detail-oriented.
3. Available to contact potential candidates and perhaps meet with them to discuss the job responsibilities.
4. Active member of the church and has participated and/or held a leadership position on a committee.
5. Ability to judge character and trust instincts to determine who would make a good match for specific committees.