Classes for Children

Nursery Care for ages 0–4

We offer nursery care from 9:30 - 11:30 every Sunday with two trained, background checked, experienced caregivers.  This is a drop-in program.  Older children welcome if space allows.

Soul Matters Workshops for Pre-K–5th grades

Children in this age range are invited to choose from 2 - 3 workshop rooms each Sunday. This is a drop-in program; all in this age range are welcome, but some modules (see below) will require signing up ahead of time and committing to attend all/most of the weeks of the module.

The Play Workshop Room allows children to choose from curated play spaces (sometimes indoors, sometimes outdoors) and materials to decide for themselves how to spend their morning, with adult supervision. As Unitarian Universalists, we learn to make choices, with love at the center. This room will always be open.

The Story Workshop Room will encourage children to engage more deeply with the story or theme introduced in worship through a craft or other adult-led activity.  As Unitarian Universalists, stories help us make meaning from chaos. This room will always be open.

The Spirituality Workshop Room will engage children in preparing to participate in a future worship service or with a specific spiritual practice with different modules every 4 - 6 weeks.  Modules may include Children's Choir, a Meditation series, or a chalice lighting writing workshop, for example, with guest leaders from around the congregation.  As Unitarian Universalists, we are interdependent with each other in our congregations.  We also experience spiritual transformation.  This room will sometimes require advanced sign-up, sometimes be open to all.  

Crossing Paths for 6th & 7th grades

This group will learn about a variety of faith traditions and the ways their religious paths differ from our own. This curriculum is being revamped this year to allow more in-depth understanding of each tradition and will include two weeks of learning about (in the classroom), two weeks of learning from (interviewing a guest and visiting a house of worship), and two weeks of integration (connecting what we've learned to our UU faith.) This is a drop-in program; all in this age range are welcome.  However, note that some Sundays will include a field trip to a neighboring place of worship and prior registration is needed to participate on these dates.

Youth Group for 8th–12th grades and Coming of Age

Youth group is intended to create a sense of belonging and identity for adolescents in the congregation.  The group will meet weekly throughout the year for a wide variety of activities, and these youth group activities will be the foundation of the Coming of Age program for 8th & 9th graders. The core question for COA youth to engage with is "how do I identify as a Unitarian Universalist in terms of our history, beliefs, spirituality, justice work, and spirituality?" COA youth will commit to an 5 - 7 additional meetings throughout the year to integrate what they've experienced in youth group through working with mentors and collaboratively creating the coming of age service.

Service Opportunities for Families and Adults

If you’d like to volunteer in the faith development program, we welcome your support! All volunteers must provide current Pennsylvania clearances, and must have been participating at MLUC for at least 6 months. Complete instructions on how to obtain these are HERE.  Please contact to volunteer!

Some of the roles that we need help in are:
  • Help in the Workshops Play Room (no preparation required)
  • Help in the Workshops Story Room (no preparation required)
  • Help in the Workshops Spirituality Room (no preparation required)
  • Lead the Workshops Story Room (preparation required)
  • Lead a Workshops Spirituality Module (preparation required)
  • Teach Crossing Paths group for 6th & 7th graders (preparation required)
  • Work with the Youth Group (preparation required)
  • Serve on the Children & Youth Faith Development Committee (preparation required)