Spring 2024 Visioning Sessions

Together, Imagining Our Ministries

On the first four Sundays in March, we will imagine our future together through Ministry Visioning Sessions.

Each session will begin in the Sunday worship service with lay and staff leaders, sharing their ideas for one of four ministry topic areas with this guiding question:

If you had all the resources (engaged people and money), what would you do in this ministry area in the next 3 years to unleash the potential to transform lives and live the mission of the church?

After each Sunday coffee hour, we will hold Visioning Sessions, to which all are encouraged to come and share their thoughts and ideas and hear those of other members, to help collaborate on a shared transformative ministry vision.

Ministry Visioning Sessions - Sundays @ 11:30am

March 3
Main Meeting Room

March 10
Social Justice
McGinnis Room*

March 17
Lifespan Faith Development
Main Meeting Room

March 24
(formerly known as Pastoral Care)
Main Meeting Room

 Child care and streaming will be available.
*Available by Zoom.

Contact stewardship@mluc.org